Qualicum Woods Phase II Residential Freehold Townhomes, Ottawa, ON

Welcome to Qualicum Woods Phase II

Email the owners’ committee for password to minutes:

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Qualicum Woods Phase II
Freehold Townhomes
for the residents of
Draper Avenue, Cornell St. and Baseline Road, Ottawa

Qualicum Woods Phase 2 is the residential community at 2646 - 2700 Draper Avenue, Ottawa. Owned by Redwood Residences Limited, Qualicum Woods Phase 2 Condominium Corporation is managed by Condominium Management Group (CMG), 434 Queen Street, Ottawa ON, K1R 7V7
> Contact the Property Manager

Topics of Interest

Changes to Garbage & Recycling Collection
January 30, 2023—As a result of changing to curb side recycling pickup, the garbage and recycling collection area is being separated to allow for a more organized pickup by the City.
>See details & map
Site Plan-QWII Association
> Site plan (updated 2022)
> See Map
Fire Lane Bylaw
The document linked below contains text of the parking by-law that confirms there is a fire lane by-law in place.
> Bylaw No. 2018-281
Trespassing Concerns
  • Regarding concerns about trespassing: After consulting with bylaw and compliance at the City, we have been informed that since we are accessible at numerous points from the surrounding streets, "No Trespassing" signage is simply an indication of our intent. Only if one of our residents asks someone to leave the property is it enforceable.
  • The person who asked the other to leave must be the one to call the police at the following number: 613-236-1222. Please inform the manager and owners’ committee if you make such a call and let us know how your complaint was dealt with.

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